The CLI tools allow users to easily manage Crawlab and perform common actions including uploading spiders. It is written in Python and very easy to install.


Crawlab CLI tools is integrated with Crawlab SDKopen in new window. You can install Crawlab CLI tools by executing the command below.

pip install crawlab-sdk


Currently only beta version is available, so we have to install by specifying the version.

Now you are able to use CLI tools to programmatically interact with Crawlab.



You MUST login to Crawlab with CLI tools before performing any other actions.

You can login to Crawlab with CLI tools by executing the command below.

crawlab-cli login \
  --api_address <api_address> \
  --username <username> \
  --password <password>
  • --api_address or -a is the API address of Crawlab. Default: http://localhost:8080/api.
  • --username or -u is the username of login. Default: admin.
  • --password or -p is the password of login. Default: admin.


You can upload spiders using CLI tools.

Upload a new spider

If you would like to upload a new spider, you can execute the command below.

crawlab-cli upload \
  --dir <target_spider_dir> \
  [--name <spider_name>] \
  [--col_name <results_collection_name>] \
  • --create or -c is whether to create a new spider. If unspecified, --id or -i must be specified.
  • --dir or -d is the parameter of the spider directory to upload. Default: current working directory.
  • --name or -n is the name of the spider to create. Default: directory name.
  • --col_name or -C is the result collection name of the spider to create. Default: results_<spider_name>.
  • --cmd or -m is the execute command of the spider to create. Default: echo "hello crawlab".

Upload to an existing spider

If you would like to upload to an exiting spider, you can execute the command below.

crawlab-cli upload \
  --dir <target_spider_dir> \
  --id <spider_id>
  • --dir or -d is the parameter of the spider directory to upload. Default: current working directory.
  • --id or -i is the id of the spider to upload.


You can view and set/unset config with CLI tools.

View config

crawlab-cli config

Set config

crawlab-cli config --set <key>=<value>
  • --set or -s is the key-value pair to set in the config.

Unset config

crawlab-cli config --unset <key>
  • --set or -s is the key to unset from the config.