

Spider is the basic unit of web crawler programs in Crawlab. You can regard it as a web crawling software project consisted of code and files, e.g. a Scrapy project. Please note that the term project mentioned here is not the same as the basic concept Project in Crawlab.


The concept Spider is so important in Crawlab that we strongly recommend you read through this section.

Typical Process

Below is a typical process for users to play with spiders in Crawlab.

Create Spider

  1. Navigate to Spiders page, and click New Spider button on the top left.
  2. Enter relevant info including Name and Execute Command.
  3. Click Confirm.

Execute Command is the base command that will be executed when running the spider, e.g. scrapy crawl myspider, and it's the bash/shell command that will be executed when running the spider.

Incremental Sync is whether to sync files incrementally when running the spider, instead of downloading all files every time. It can save time when downloading files.

Auto Install Dependencies is whether to install dependencies automatically when running the spider, e.g. the dependencies in requirements.txt. (This feature is only available in Crawlab Pro Edition)

Upload Spider

There are several ways to upload spider files.

Upload Folder

  1. Navigate to spider detail page.
  2. Click Files tab.
  3. Click Upload button in the nav bar.
  4. Choose Folder.
  5. Click Click to Select Folder to Upload.
  6. Choose the folder where spider files are located.
  7. Click Confirm.

Upload Files

  1. Navigate to spider detail page.
  2. Click Files tab.
  3. Click Upload button in the nav bar.
  4. Choose Files.
  5. Drag and drop spider files into the drop zone, or click the drop zone and select files.
  6. Click Confirm.

Upload Files (Drag & Drop)

  1. Navigate to spider detail page.
  2. Click Files tab.
  3. Drag and drop spider files or folders into folders on file navigator on the left.

Run Spider

You can follow the steps below to run a spider.

  1. If in spider detail page, click Run button with play icon in the nav bar.
  2. If in Spiders page, click Run button with play icon on the right.
  3. Select appropriate settings for running spider.
  4. Click Confirm.

Here is the explanation of settings for running a spider.

  • Command: Actual cmd/bash/shell base command that will be executed.
  • Param: Actual parameters/arguments passed to Command.
  • Mode: Task running mode. Default to Random Node.
  • Priority: Task priority. Default to 5.

Entity Relationships